Audrey pulled a "I'm not ready for bed and I'm going to stand and scream til you come get me" tonight and her dad went to her rescue and brought her back downstairs so she could play. I swear she was exhausted when I put her down, but she got a second wind and played with her dad for a good 1/2 hour. She was acting pretty funny so I took out the camera. She spent most of th

e time crawling around from toy to toy and amusing herself. She gets a major kick out of crawling behind the curtains and playing peek a boo (or some form of it). It's kind of funny, they are obviously sheer, but I think she thinks we can't see her? If you know her at all you know that she has had something in her mouth since she came out of me, her hand, a t

oy, a magazine, really whatever is there is in her mouth. I thought she would grow out of this, but hasn't and is besides the
point. Now that she is crawling, she has figured out the she can carry things in her mouth, like dog, from point A to point B. It is hilarious to watch and this picture doesn't do the act justice, but I'm sure you will giggle a little thinking of a

baby carrying around objects in her mouth... She also gets a kick crawling over Charlie, repeatedly. I guess he is just in her way? What is some Daddy playtime without a little airplane. She gets pretty into it, and Charlie gets a work out from lifting the our little girl... Charlie

thought it was funny to put this bowl on her head. I wasn't quite so sure, but when she starting doing it herself it was kind of funny. It's s
o much fun being the par

I love the pic of her going behind the curtain!! She did that with me when I was there, she's adorable when she does it!
I can't believe she's putting things in her mouth and crawling with them! If you guys had a dog she probably would've gotten the idea sooner maybe? (hint hint)
I knew someday she would get to the top of that entertainment system, she really really wanted to get up there last time we were there!
I love that she carries things like a dog. That cracks me up. Ava used to just get frusterated when she ran out of hands to carry things. Too funny. Don't you love the transition time?
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