First off, Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there! I hope you all got pampered the way you deserve to be today. Today was my 1st Mother's Day, which is kind of exciting and hard to believe at the same time (haven't I been a

mom forever???). It's a holiday I have been celebrating my whole life and honoring my mother, and this year it was my turn to well, be honored:) We were not able to be with either my mom or Charlie's mom (our siblings got that honor) today, but we enjoyed our day

just the same with just the three of us. I was woken this morning with a wonderful breakfast in bed that Audrey spent hours cooking. Ok, Charlie made it, but it was awesome and a great way to start the day. It w

as a gorgeous day and we decided to take advantage of it. After Audrey's morning nap we packed up, went and got sandwiches for Charlie and I, and headed to a park in town that we had never been to before. It turned out to be the exact type of park we have been looking for (paved paths to walk with the stroller, long enough that we get a decent walk out of it) and is literally 10

minutes from our house. We went off the trail mid-way, pulled out our blanket and had a picnic. It was wonderful. Audrey was pretty good about eating lunch not in her high chair and staying on the blanket (heaven forbid she go in the grass). We took a bunch of pict
ures (of course). We ended the day by grilling out and sitting out on the deck to eat dinner. All in

all a perfect Mother's Day, thanks Charlie and Audrey!
Btw, how classic is this face??? It happens more often then not lately...
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