Sunday, September 30, 2012

{eight} months...

My blue eyed boy turned 8 months old this past week. To put what he is doing right now simply, he is ALL over the place and puts ANYTHING in his mouth that happens to have found its way to the floor. Seriously the kid is garbage disposal it is unbelievable. We are lucky because he doesn't swallow most stuff (though we did have a leaf incident a couple of weeks ago), but I am constantly doing the finger swipe in his mouth and it is amazing the stuff I find in there. You are probably saying "why do you have all of this stuff on your floor if you son is crawling?". Good point, and my answer is I have 3 kids and I can't keep up. So he will survive and I think he is having fun keeping us on our toes. He very quickly went from crawling to pulling himself up on anything and everything he can find. He is not furniture walking, though the set up in our house is not conducive for this so we will see what he does next.

He continues to be an awesome eater and we have ventured into a good amount of finger foods which I am happy about. I am being a little bit cautious as the kid still has no teeth (a little strange as the other kids definitely got them around 7 months) but it really doesn't seem to bother him. He loves food and his face lights up when he realized you are feeding him. He is kind of over his bottle which is interesting to me and another thing I don't remember from the other 2. He has had a ton of different veggies, green beans, broccoli, carrots, etc. and while he may make a face he never spits anything out.

Have I said how much I love this kid????

Eight Years...

Charlie and I had our 8 year anniversary last week. Not as momentous as 10 will be, but 8 sure does sound like a LONG time and it is amazing to me how quickly it was flown by. Its hit or miss what we actually do to celebrate every year and it has become increasing not so exciting since the kids arrived. This year was pretty special though I have to say. Charlie's parents were in town the weekend before (not for our anniversary but to see the kids:) and I suggested we take advantage and try and go out to eat to celebrate. I never heard anything more about it until Friday night after his parents had gotten there he announced we were going into the city on Saturday, going out to eat at Top of the Hub and staying the night at the Colonnade. I was pretty impressed I must say. We thoroughly enjoyed out night out and really enjoyed staying at the Colonnade all these years later. The staff is so friendly there, and Charlie told everyone we met that we "got married here 8 years ago you know"... A big thanks to his parents for allowing us to get away! And here's many many more years of marriage to the love of my life and father of my beautiful children. I'm truly blessed and love you more than anything...

View from our seat at dinner, 52 stories above Boston...

 Dessert, yum!

Breakfast in our room the next morning. Was amazing the spread they brought up...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Family of Five...

Chase needed a picture of his family for school and when I started looking I could not believe that we had 1 picture of the 5 of us and it was not that great and was from April! So Charlie's parents are in town and I decided it was time to get a good picture of the our family. Thankfully the kids cooperated and we ended up with this... I'll take it!

The Start of School...


We had a big day on 9-11-12, Audrey started kindergarten and Chase started pre-school! I was having a hard time acknowledging that both of these events were occurring (how are my babies in school already??) and with the way the school schedule was we had them both happen on the same day. Really chaotic and not ideal, but we had no choice in the matter so we had to go with it.

Audrey could not be more excited about school and has been talking about going on the bus for as long as I can remember and she could not have been more excited on her first day. I was leery on how she would feel when it actually came and it was here turn to get on but walked right up the steps, only turning around because her annoying mother insisted on a picture. She is at the bus stop and in class with one of her BFF's Fallon so that is making the transition much easier...

Chase has been excited about school too and we have been talking it up as much as possible to prepare him. I was a little nervous about him watching Audrey go on the bus, but he did ok with it (and continues to). His first day at school was a little rocky (as was his first week), was not happy being dropped off and cried when we left. This broke my heart, but when I picked him up he was all smiles and was so excited to talk about his day so I think there is hope. He transitions much tougher than Audrey so we are going to have to work with him I can tell...   

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Audrey Takes on Soccer...

It's time to start posting about one of my other 2 children (I do have 3 though you wouldn't know it lately)! Audrey is starting kindergarten in a couple days (which is exciting and a bit sad at the same time), which means she can finally start playing sports thru our town. I have been dying for her to play soccer and her first game was yesterday. Not only was it her first game, but I somehow I became an assistant coach to her team (don't worry there are 2 other women that are very qualified coaching with me) and it was my first game coaching. I have to say it was a success on all fronts... We are the green team (name still to be determined) and Audrey picked #4 for her jersey. She had a blast, and it looked like she really enjoyed being on the field. There are 10 girls on our team and they play 4 on 4 with no goalies which seemed to really work out well. She was exhausted afterwards, which means she played hard right???

 Her brothers cheering her on, in what I can only imagine the first of many games...