Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Jackie!

My good friend from college Jackie turns the big 3-0 today! She lives in Chicago (with just about everyone else we know). I know she has a fabulous year ahead of her, the best part is she is getting married in October to a wonderful guy Alex. More on that in later posts...

Happy Birthday Jacks! I wish I was there to celebrate with you!

What Audrey's Doing Now...

Climbing Stairs - Audrey finally found the stairs much to Charlie and I's dismay. We procrastinated as long as possible from getting a gate and finally got some last weekend. She started out slowly, just going to the bottom step and pulling herself up. It took her a couple times to make it all the way up (our staircase has several turns and landings that completely threw her off at first), but now that she has figured it out there is no stopping her. Every time we put her on the floor in the living room she crawls full speed to the staircase. It amazes me how strong she is to pull herself up the entire flight.

Playing on the Deck - Audrey is loving playing on the deck! The weather has been beautiful the past week and we have been able to spend a lot of time out there. We have our fingers crossed that this weather will stay, but we know too well that is wishful thinking...

She also got her 7th tooth this past weekend. It actually came in without Charlie and I even realizing it. Maybe she is a pro now? I certainly hope so...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boston Marathon...

I don't know how many of you have watched a marathon before but let me tell you, it is REALLY impressive! I mean these people make 26.2 miles look like a walk in the park. It is even more impressive when you know people running in the marathon... We ended up knowing 3 people running, Anna, her dad Rick, and Pat, who is Beth's sister-in-laws brother (is there a name for that relation???).

Beth, Colleen, Lina and I went to Wellesley Monday morning to Beth's brother's house to cheer everyone on. He lives at the 14.5 mile marker (or something close to that) right past the 1/2 way point. There are so many people running we were nervous we would miss them, but we ended up seeing all 3 people run by and got to cheer them on!
Here's Anna in the white t-shirt on the left of the pix. It's the coolest thing seeing them, but it is literally for a second and then they are gone again. Here are us girls working hard cheering. Tough work... To the right are Beth's adorable nephews, waiving signs to their Uncle Pat. We went down to the finish line to see Anna finish but I had forgotten how crazy it is down there. It is 10 people deep and impossible to walk anywhere. We ended up finding a corner and standing several people back, but Beth and I are convinced we saw Anna go by.

Regardless, congratulations Anna! I'm so proud of you! What an accomplishment. She ran the marathon in 3:45:38, amazing... She may have inspired me to start running again. Who am I kidding, that's not going to happen anytime soon...

Here's to the finish line, it at least looks beautiful in pictures...

Girls Weekend...

So the Reunion Girl's Weekend with my high school friends this past weekend was a blast, just like I knew it would be! We had beautiful weather all weekend, 65 and sunny, which made it even better... The Dennison house was busy with activity with everyone coming and going all weekend. Colleen and Lina both stayed with me, which was great. Neither of them had seen our house, Lina hadn't met Audrey (or Charlie for that matter) and Colleen hadn't seen her since August (she's grown just a bit since then). Here is Colleen on the left getting her fix of playing mom. Audrey loved all of Colleen's jewelry and had a lot of fun with her. Lina is on the right holding Audrey while she is eating my brush. Anna is my friend that actually ran the marathon (see marathon post for update on the race!). She and her husband live in Austin. Last but not least is my friend Beth, who lives in Boston and went to high school with us too and got to hang out with us for most of the weekend.

Colleen, Beth & I went to dinner Saturday night in the North End (yum!) and met up Anna and her husband and some family members at Rumba for some drinks after. Here is a picture of all of us at the bar. Just like old times I tell ya...

Sunday, Beth and her husband hosted a BBQ for all of us plus some of her family. It was great for everyone to meet, husbands, babies (ok Audrey is the only baby right now) and all. We even got in touch with a guy from high school, Dave that just moved out to Boston last fall and is getting his PhD at MIT. He was brave enough to come and get bombarded with tons of questions from us girls. It was awesome seeing Dave and hopefully it won't be 10 years til we see him again!

All in all, it was an awesome weekend and I can't wait to do it again, hopefully sometime soon!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Big A-Squared Reunion...

So this weekend I have several friends from highschool coming out to visit for the weekend. It is going to be a reunion of sorts (we haven't seen each other since our 10 year highschool reunion a couple of years ago), which I am really looking forward to! Charlie is on Daddy Duty all weekend while us girls hang out, drink some wine and reminisce about the good old days, pre-marriage, pre-babies and probably discuss how old we are getting...

Now, they aren't coming out for just any reason, one of the girls is running the Boston Marathon, and we are all going to cheer her on! Yes, very impressive, especially to me who probably couldn't run 1 mile let alone 26! And to tell people that I know someone that is running and actually qualified to run is so much fun. Btw, For those of you that don't know, Marathon Monday (the day of the Boston Marathon), is also a holiday for us Baystaters called Patriots Day. Just one of those little perks you get from living in this wonderful Commonweath...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

What Rain????

Well, it was supposed to rain here all weekend which I was dreading. Come to find out, the rain stopped early morning and it has been a beautiful day ever since! Audrey and I were supposed to run some errands, but I thought we should enjoy this weather while we can. So I gathered Audrey's toys, a blanket (she won't sit in the grass, kind of funny) and some snacks and enjoyed some fresh air. She refuses to wear her sun hat so I tried to stay in the shade but that didn't work for very long. The girl has some very strong opinions, I'm still not sure where she got that from....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day...

Well we had our 1st gorgeous day here in Boston in quite awhile. It was sunny and 72 degrees (at least that's what my car said on the way home), the kind of day that makes you hope spring is here to stay. Now we live in the Northeast and know darn well that is not the case, but we will take it when we can get it. Audrey loves to be outside (I think it's a product of being a summer baby but who knows) and has spent a ton of time outside this week at day care. She's played in the sandbox with the other kids and apparently thinks it's ok. Charlie and I got home early today and got to spend some time outside on the deck with Audrey. As you can see she loves it! We have a set of 2 steps on the deck and she has no problem going right up them. Getting down them is a bit different. You can see Charlie trying to get her to go down backwards, but I have a feeling that she will have nothing to do with that. Face first is more fun, right? She has no problem crawling on the deck, I thought she might think it was too hard. But then we have hardwood floors so I guess what is the difference? Please note how cute she looks in her new pants that Grammy sent. At what other age is it cute to have legs like that exposed for the world to see? She is going to love these when she is older, god it's fun to be the mom sometimes...

Monday, April 7, 2008

10 months old...

Today Audrey turns 10 months old. Now this really is not a milestone of any kind, but does remind me that I only have 2 months until the big ONE year old birthday that I haven't started planning a thing for. We are in talks to have a joint birthday bash with Audrey's BFF Madeline (who is 3 weeks her elder) which would be a blast for all adults involved. I'll keep you posted...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Standing Tall and Speed Crawler...

Ok, she's not really tall (though she is in the 90th percentile for height), but all she wants to do now is pull herself up on whatever is closest and stand. It's a little scary to watch, but she has gotten very stable in the past week and I feel fairly confident now that she isn't going to just let go and crack her head open. Rubber floors would be nice right about now...
I'm amazed at what a good crawler she is. I think it still surprise's Charlie and I when we leave the room and look behind us and there she is. She has figured out how to get over the small step to get into the mudroom, she just goes right over it, it's pretty funny. She still has no interest in the stairs but we know it's just a matter of time. A gate for the stairs is on our list and really needs to happen sooner then later.... This is her crawling face, it's pretty funny and maybe just a bit scary...

Pictures of a Girl in Action...

I have been warned by several friends how difficult it is to take pictures of our precious babies once they become mobile. I didn't really listen or think it was a big deal, until mine became the crawler. It is VERY hard to take pictures now, which is a little frustrating. I used to be able to snap away with no problem. Audrey loves the camera and as soon as she sees it, she crawls right over to me and climbs up on my lap. She also enjoys looking at the preview pictures on the camera of herself, I mean who doesn't like looking at pictures of themselves??? Anyways, I have gotten some great close up shots due to the proximity she seems to be in when the camera appears...

Friday, April 4, 2008


Well I am 1/2 thru my first Friday at work since last June, and I can say that it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Like coming back to work after maternity leave, the anticipation build up is so much worse then the actual doing. It helps that it is a miserable day here in Boston, rainy, dark & gloomy... I of course dropped off Audrey at Nancy's and she barely looked at me when I left, so the mom guilt is very low as of right now... Her friends there are WAY more exciting then I am I have found.

I'll let you know the next 70 degree and sunny Friday how I'm doing, though at this rate it's not coming anytime soon...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What Audrey's Doing Now...

Audrey went from being by little infant sleeping baby to my little chunker that is moving ALL over the place! She an official crawler now and has found every nook and cranny of our house. She has almost mastered the pulling herself up on just about anything, which is so cute to watch, but really scary at the same time. She loves opening any kind of door, and as you can see here the fridge is one of her favorite doors to look in and see what is behind it!

We also have teeth. Actually, we have 6 teeth, 4 uppers and 2 bottoms. The best part is she got them almost all at the same time. That was a really fun couple of weeks. But they are really coming in now as you can see. It makes her look so much like a little person, I'm not sure I'm ready for that...

The Blog Thing

So I have finally broken down and created a blog. I've actually been wanting to do it for a couple of months now but thought it would be difficult to do. Little did I know it's pretty darn easy... I figure this is an easy way to keep people up to date on the happenings of Audrey (who btw is close to turning 10 months old, where does the time go???) and all of the other exciting things going on in Charlie and I's lives.