Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Girls Weekend...

So the Reunion Girl's Weekend with my high school friends this past weekend was a blast, just like I knew it would be! We had beautiful weather all weekend, 65 and sunny, which made it even better... The Dennison house was busy with activity with everyone coming and going all weekend. Colleen and Lina both stayed with me, which was great. Neither of them had seen our house, Lina hadn't met Audrey (or Charlie for that matter) and Colleen hadn't seen her since August (she's grown just a bit since then). Here is Colleen on the left getting her fix of playing mom. Audrey loved all of Colleen's jewelry and had a lot of fun with her. Lina is on the right holding Audrey while she is eating my brush. Anna is my friend that actually ran the marathon (see marathon post for update on the race!). She and her husband live in Austin. Last but not least is my friend Beth, who lives in Boston and went to high school with us too and got to hang out with us for most of the weekend.

Colleen, Beth & I went to dinner Saturday night in the North End (yum!) and met up Anna and her husband and some family members at Rumba for some drinks after. Here is a picture of all of us at the bar. Just like old times I tell ya...

Sunday, Beth and her husband hosted a BBQ for all of us plus some of her family. It was great for everyone to meet, husbands, babies (ok Audrey is the only baby right now) and all. We even got in touch with a guy from high school, Dave that just moved out to Boston last fall and is getting his PhD at MIT. He was brave enough to come and get bombarded with tons of questions from us girls. It was awesome seeing Dave and hopefully it won't be 10 years til we see him again!

All in all, it was an awesome weekend and I can't wait to do it again, hopefully sometime soon!

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