Sunday, April 6, 2008

Standing Tall and Speed Crawler...

Ok, she's not really tall (though she is in the 90th percentile for height), but all she wants to do now is pull herself up on whatever is closest and stand. It's a little scary to watch, but she has gotten very stable in the past week and I feel fairly confident now that she isn't going to just let go and crack her head open. Rubber floors would be nice right about now...
I'm amazed at what a good crawler she is. I think it still surprise's Charlie and I when we leave the room and look behind us and there she is. She has figured out how to get over the small step to get into the mudroom, she just goes right over it, it's pretty funny. She still has no interest in the stairs but we know it's just a matter of time. A gate for the stairs is on our list and really needs to happen sooner then later.... This is her crawling face, it's pretty funny and maybe just a bit scary...

1 comment:

Danielle Lutz said...

She looks like she can really pull herself up now compared to last time we came for her baptism!! I love how she loves the camera, she's stylish as anything, so she better!!