We had a big day on 9-11-12, Audrey started kindergarten and Chase started pre-school! I was having a hard time acknowledging that both of these events were occurring (how are my babies in school already??) and with the way the school schedule was we had them both happen on the same day. Really chaotic and not ideal, but we had no choice in the matter so we had to go with it.
Audrey could not be more excited about school and has been talking about going on the bus for as long as I can remember and she could not have been more excited on her first day. I was leery on how she would feel when it actually came and it was here turn to get on but walked right up the steps, only turning around because her annoying mother insisted on a picture. She is at the bus stop and in class with one of her BFF's Fallon so that is making the transition much easier...
Chase has been excited about school too and we have been talking it up as much as possible to prepare him. I was a little nervous about him watching Audrey go on the bus, but he did ok with it (and continues to). His first day at school was a little rocky (as was his first week), was not happy being dropped off and cried when we left. This broke my heart, but when I picked him up he was all smiles and was so excited to talk about his day so I think there is hope. He transitions much tougher than Audrey so we are going to have to work with him I can tell...

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