My sister-in-law Karen is getting married in August down in Orlando which is very exciting -and also sneaking up very quickly! This past weekend was her bridal shower. 2 close family friends in Louisville hosted a lovely Bridal Tea for Karen this past weekend. We Boston Dennison's flew down for the weekend so that Audrey and I could attend. It was great fun!

There was a full silver tea service with 2 different types of tea and tons of china tea cups, beautiful! The food was delicious, there were several different types of tea sandwiches (the cucumber, that has a formal na

me I can't think of right now, was my favorite), fruit salad and mini muffins (these were Audrey's favorite). There was also a beautiful cake (it had butterflies that matched the invitations) that was yummy!
I wasn't quite sure how Audrey would be for the shower. I knew she wouldn't sit still for the entire thing but from there who knows. She actually

was great. I woke her up from her nap right when the shower beg
an, so she was well rested and ready to go. She enjoyed the food (surprise, right?) very much, and sat on Grammy's lap and ate for a bit. She only got a little on her dress which I was pretty impressed with.
While Karen opened presents Audrey decided to explore the living room that we were sitting in. She enjoyed the glass coffee table (and made sure to leave her mark on it), crawling behind the couch where there were some window blinds and a very cool d

oor stop and even a vent that had cold air blowing out of it. She also loved the pile of gifts for Aunt Karen. Here she is helping open one of the gifts.
Karen got some great stuff (don't we all wish we could register again???) that I know

her and Vinnie will enjoy. You both know you can call if you have any questions using anything:) We hope everything made it back sa
fely to Orlan
The countdown is on to the wedding (87 days according to their website) and we can't wait!

Cute dress, eh??? It worked well as it was a A-line shift that she could crawl in. If you could all just see her face when her clothing impedes her crawling, not pretty...

You can't see very clearly, but Audrey has Karen's cake ALL over her face in this picture! She was prepping for her 1st birthday I think... She seemed to be like her Grammy and really enjoy the icing!
AWW man! I'm really sorry I missed such a fun shower. I hate that I missed it. Avery was sick, the cold that Carly just got over, Austin had to work all weekend (even sunday) it just wasn't in the cards for me to get there. The horse racing looked like so much fun! Can't wait to see you guys in August. Carly talks about it everyday.
aw the dress is SOO cute and everything looked like it was amazing :) I'm glad she was better so you guys could make one of the trips you planned!
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