I've been raving about how beautiful the weather has been here, all along knowing where I live and that it wouldn't last. This past week the temps plummeted and the rain came in, just in time for the weekend of course. Audrey and I spent all day Saturday indoors playing, while watching Charlie
thru the
windows mulch all the beds (t

his shouldn't be surprising to anyone that knows him). I got some pictures of Audrey d
oing the things that she is really into right now. She loves our entertainment center right now. She has figured out that the knobs on the doors mean she can open them. Of course she isn't aloud to touch anything inside which makes it even that much more fun for her. She also likes reaching for
ing on top of it. There is normally either a keyboard or a mouse up there which she knows darn well and LOVES both of these items, again, both that she isn't aloud to play with. She also started this weekend standing up on items, say this box, and pushing it until it hits something and she can't go any further. I have been talking about getting her some kind of walker so

she can practice but Charlie thinks these objects around the house work just as well. I guess... She also thinks she can go up and over things in her way. Well she doesn't just think, she does, a
nd it's pretty funny. It is normally Charlie blocking her path, but this box was in her way the other morning and she proceeded to go up on top of it, sit there for a minute then go over and to the other side. It's probably funnier in person, but you get the idea.
She isn't walking, or even really trying to be honest, but she does do this kneeling thing. She will crawl to something, t

hen push herself up to this one knee thing which I think is hilarious. I reminds me of a bunch of football players listening to their coach kneeling on one knee.
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