This past week I had both kids every day due to our day care provider taking a much needed vacation. I must admit I was dreading it a little bit (am a horrible mother or what?), trying to keep Audrey busy every day but much to my relief it actually turned out to be a great week. It was good timing too as I go back to work in 2 weeks (ugh) so it was nice to get some qt time in with both kids. We did some fun activities each day: Monday we went to the pond, Tuesday we stayed in our pj's all day because it rained, Wednesday we went blueberry picking, Thursday we had a play date with my friend Nicole and her 2 kids. Friday, we saved the best for last, we went and visited Charlie at work. Every day Audrey wakes up and asks where Daddy is and I always say he is at work. She finally answers her own question now and says "daddy work". So I thought it would be fun if she got to go see where "daddy work". Charlie is working on a project for Brandeis University in Waltham right now which isn't too far away. I think Audrey enjoyed it, though she liked running around more then the crane and equipment I think. Oh well, at least now on Monday maybe she will know where Daddy really is when she wakes up and he isn't here... I am dreading her having to get used to "mommy work" too, that is going to be interesting as I have been home for a long time...
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