I took the kids blueberry picking today which was kind of fun. I decided last night that it might be a good activity and we desperately needed to get out of the house today after being cooped up yesterday due to the pouring rain. I had never been and can honestly say I didn't even know what a blueberry bush looked like. Audrey was really excited for the first 5 minutes then was all done and went and wandered around and sat in the stroller. Not surprising. I would have gotten a smaller picking basket if I had known: a) that Audrey would only pick 2 blueberries and that I would have to pick the rest and b) that she would eat them as fast as I picked them so I felt like I was picking forever. Oh well, we now have tons of blueberries and I am looking forward to making some muffins and maybe some pancakes for breakfast for the rest of the week.

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