So Chase is 2 months already, really unbelievable! Time has just flown... He is doing wonderful and continues to be such a sweet baby. He started smiling a couple of weeks ago and I forgot how much fun it is once they start. He lays on his changing table and smiles and chats up a storm and it melts my heart. He is definitely awake more and very alert, though he still loves his naps (preferably on me, which is good some days and frustrating others). I brought out the play mat for the first time yesterday (horrible right?) and he loves it! And so does Audrey, surprise... He laid there for awhile yesterday which was nice. I am kind of laughing when I think back to what I did during the day with Audrey at this age. I don't think I really left the house except to go on a walk unless I really had too. Chase goes everywhere with me, and is a great shopper as long as I keep him moving... He is not sleeping thru the night as Audrey was at this age (I know it is horrible to compare them, but this is one thing I feel is ok), but I can't complain too much as he only gets up one time during the night. Actually the early morning, usually around 3:30 or 4 am. Then Audrey gets up at 5 or 5:30 now, that is the killer but I digress... We had his 2 month appointment today, complete with shots which I just hate. I actually forgot just how much I hate them, listening to him scream like that, ugh... He is keeping on track with his weight and height, weighing in at 14 lbs 4 oz (95th percentile) and measuring 24 in (85th percentile). I'm happy and blessed to have a healthy and happy baby boy...
Dear Chase, it's hard to believe that you are now 2 months old. It's also hard to believe that your Grammy is almost 707 months old. I don't exactly recall, but I think the first two months were the hardest. Getting here is half the battle, but you made it with flying colors. We are so happy to have you! Happy 2nd month birthday!
14 lbs at 2 months?!! He is getting so big so fast! Hopefully we get to see him soon :)
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