We g
ot our 1st snow fall of the season yesterday, which was perfect because it was Sunday and we didn't have to go anywhere. It was very pretty sitting in our house and watching it fall all day. Audrey has seen snow before, but she certainly doesn't remember it, so it was fun to watch her reaction to it. She loved to stand in the window and watch it fall (though she loves to stand in the window and watch just about anything, dogs go by, the garbage trucks, whatever). At one point I decided it would be fun to take her out in it, you know, some good
ol' Kodak moments. Well what a production that was. She didn't get that she couldn't just go outside like she is used to in the summer/fall. Charlie and I had to tag team her, but we convinced her to put her brand new snow pants on so she could play in the snow. Well of course we get them on and they don't fit (too small of
e). So we have to take them off her which went well. Then I tell her she has to wear her boots. She has brand new winter boats that again she hasn't worn. So somehow we got them on her, she fought it the entire time, and here is the proof. I made her go outside in them and she literally wouldn't take a step in them! Fine, so I brought her in to put her sneakers on and we go back out. We take a walk around the block and I realize very quickly that she doesn't like snow. She will only walk on the road where there is no snow, and the couple of times snow got stuck to her shoe she stopped and pointed and made me wipe it off. She never ceases to amaze me, or make me laugh for that matter. I am hoping that a) I can exchange her
snow pants for the right size with no issue (
ie. that they still have them) and b) that she will actually wear her boots at some point. It took her at least a week to wear her winter coat, but now she wears it every day. Usually she does things for Nancy she doesn't do for me, so that is my other angle, bringing them to day care tomorrow. Bring on the winter...
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