Well I have to say the joint 1st Birthday Bash was a success! It really was a ton of fun and I'm so glad we had it with the LaBossiere's! The weather cooperated, almost too much. It was a beautiful day, but summer has arrived and it was 90 degrees. No matter, people went from hanging on the deck to cooling off in the a.c. inside. They guys took one for

the team and manned the grill and did a fabulous job. We tried to stick with the polka dot theme the best we could, but Nicole and I quickly found out that polka dots are not to be found in any stores in pink and navy right now. We were creative and made it work though. Nicole got tons of pink and navy paper goods. I made the monogram banner above, which stayed up long enough for me to take that picture and that was about it. Nice thought, but didn't work so well... We got balloons, which were Nicole's idea that I would have not thought of, and they were a huge hit with the kids! Audrey and Maddie got their own "1" balloons and the rest of the kids got the pink and blue (supposed to be navy, but not so much) ones.
There ended up being about 10 kids there which was a lot of fun. They all played well together and kept each other entertained. Other then not having enough juice boxes for them, I think they all had fun. Besides Audrey and Maddie, another friend from work has a son that is turning 1 in July that was there. It was pretty cute seeing them "play" with each other.
Here is Maddie "hugging" Audrey, and Audrey saying "Hey, can't you see I'm playing here"...
Here are the 3 Turner 1 years olds, concentrating VERY hard...

Thanks to everyone that came! We had an awesome time and we hope you all did too! We are planning on doing a repeat next year, so mark you calendars...
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