Friday, June 13, 2008

1 Year Appointment...

We had Audrey's 1 year doctor's appointment today and I have to say it was absolutely miserable! She had to get shots again (which she has previously been ok with) and she was NOT happy about it! Dr. Kelly left the room to get the shots and Audrey started screaming uncontrollably and I couldn't figure out what was going on. Then Dr. Kelly came in and I looked at her and said "Does she know?" and she said "Yes, let's do this quick". Needless to say Audrey spent most of the afternoon very irritable and just went to bed. It doesn't help she is getting 2 more molars on the bottom (she just got the top 2 last week!)....

So her stats are exactly as I thought (she has been very consist ant at each appointment with her percentiles):

Weight - 25 lbs (95th percentile)
Height - 31 inches (97th percentile)

My little chunker, god I love her!

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