Well we are on the last and final day of the long Thanksgiving Weekend (why are they never long enough??). We enjoyed a wonderful Dennison Thanksgiving here in Boston. Charlie's parents and sister flew in on Thanksgiving Day to spend the weekend with us which was wonderful! We actually had a delayed Turkey Dinner, we cooked on Friday so everyone could relax once they got in on Thursday. I really enjoy cooking Thanksgiving dinner for some reason, I think it is because it is all of my favorite foods. Lots of starch, how can you go wrong?? We unexpectedly ended up with 2 turkeys this year which was interesting. Charlie came home with a 20 lb turkey from work, which was very nice of his company to give him, but I of course had alread

y gone to pick up our 14 lb-er that I had ordered (which was way too big for the 5 of us!). So we have the 14 lb in the freezer that we will cook at a later date (

Boston friends, you may be called over to help us eat this one!), and we cooked the 20 lb one for the 5 of us. It is an understatement that we will be having turkey for a LONG LONG time, good thing both of us like it! We ate a great meal of turkey, mashed and sweet potatoes, stuffing, green beans, dill roll, cranberry chutney, etc, etc. Our friends Beth and Jim came over later in the evening to share dessert with us (we are starting a tradition of this, it is the 2nd year in a row:), yummy Pumpkin & Chocolate Pie and Creme de Menthe Brownies.
Audrey has enjoyed everyone visiting and has provided entertainment for most of the weekend for all of us. She doesn't get to see her Grammy, Grandpa & Aunt KK enough and got to spend some quality time with all of them. She thoroughly enjoyed playing with everyone, and would go up to the chosen family member and grab their hand to tell th

em it was their time to chase her around. Good thing there was 5 of us!
I had high hopes that she would enjoy the turkey dinner, her 1st real Thanksgiving (she slept thu last year) but those hopes were crushed very quickly. She sat in her high chair for a good 5 minutes or so and ate 1 piece of roll as you can see below. After that she was done, and got down to play. Little did we know that she would wake up Saturday with a 102 fever that she has had for the rest of the weekend. Very typical, her being sick when people are visiting or us being out of town. She's doing ok, and is in high spirits as we speak, but last night was a very long night with very little sleep to be had in the house.
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful weekend and got to spend some wonderful time with family and friends!
Chugging the only thing she ate all weekend, milk...

Looking like she is excited about the meal in front of her...

Eating her 1 and only bite of food, a dill roll... That's my girl...
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