We took Audrey Christmas shopping at the local outlet mall on Saturday which was the coldest day and in hindsight probably wasn't the smartest idea. She doesn't complain when she is cold though, she just sits there with a look on her face. We got a good chunk of our shopping done though so it was worth it right? We didn't leave the house on Sunday, or at least she didn't leave the house, which was good because it was warm, but bad by the end of the day because she was definitely going stir crazy. And I have to say driving me crazy, but that's her job right??
We did a mini "photo shoot" to try and get a photo for our Christmas cards this year. It went ok, but even with both of us trying to get her to look at the camera and smile we got 1 or 2 that may work out of the 50 or so I took. I won't unveil those pictures (don't worry, the grey leggings and striped socks aren't in them:) but I did get some cute and funny ones otherwise I thought I would share. She has a weird thing with socks and shoes as you can see below. She loves putting them on (and says "on on on" over and over until you put them on), but when she is inside or in the car she wants them off. My favorite is the look of, "I know I'm not supposed to be taking them off Mom, but I'm doing it anyways"...
And btw, she picks out her socks every morning, and if these stripped socks are clean and in her basket, they are the winners. She loves them. I love them too (they are a wonderful Christmas gift from my BFF Jaime and her mom & sister from last year) but it is funny because they are on the too small side and they don't exactly match everything... Could be worse right?

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