Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat...

So Audrey successfully completed her 1st attempt at Trick or Treating, in a costume none the less. We weren't sure if she was going to wear a costume, let alone go up to strangers door but she did both. She seemed happy to be in her Michigan Cheerleader outfit. I couldn't convince her (or Charlie for that matter) to carry the pom poms but thats ok, she still looked cute. The best part is she HAD to wear her pink shoes that Grammy got her, while she has navy AND white shoes that would have matched the outfit perfectly. Grammy will be happy with this news I am sure, I feel like she is too young to have an opinion on shoes but I digress...

Charlie took her out while I manned the house to give our candy. They made several stops back home so I got lots of updates. Audrey had a rough start, with the man giving out candy at the first house scaring the crap out of her (I guess she backed up on the porch and knocked off some stuff, oops). She cried at a couple houses, but came back home to refuel, eat a Kit Kat, get her glow stick wand from Grandma Lutz and head back out. This time she had much more luck. Charlie said she walked right up and took the candy with no problem, perhaps more then 1 piece at a couple of houses. They ran into all the neighbors which is fun too, though Audrey didn't recognize any of the older kids in costume. They came home and Audrey answered the door with me for awhile and got a kick out of that. She also has turned out to have her fathers sweet tooth and LOVED all the candy and ate as much as I would let her.

All in all it was a fun evening enjoyed by all. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Here she is, enjoying the fruits of her labor, a tastey Kit Kat...

1 comment:

Danielle Lutz said...

ahhh those shoes are ADORABLE!! she kind of looks like dorothy with them!!