Chase turned 7 months this past week and I have to say I am having trouble telling people he is "7 months". Hard to believe, but oh so true... I have to say I love this age where they are so interactive finally and so curious about the world around them. He hit one milestone this month and is ridiculously close to hitting another. He got his 1st 2 teeth (you can see them in at least one of these pix). He has not been sleeping well at night, because of the teething though. I was excited when the 1st tooth poked
thru finally (maybe he would sleep the nite!), then the 2
nd one came a week later, and I have to say I am convinced there is another one coming here soon. Audrey did the same thing, I swear all of her teeth came within a month, and what miserable month that was...
He is so freaking close to crawling it isn't even funny. This week he has been getting up on all fours, rocking and then either moving his hands or moving his feet, but can't quite get that they both need to mov

e at the same time. I know he will get it soon. He gets around just fine not crawling, he scoots backwards, forwards and every which way to get to toys or anything else he wants to put in his mouth.
He also is moving along with his food. I gave him a Ritz cracker one day just to try and then turned around a second later and it was gone! So now we are doing real solids after that, crackers, bread, pizza crust, you name it. He has gotten very good at getting small things in his mouth, Cheerios, puffs, etc. I'm actually impressed at how quickly he picked that skill up.
Now if I could get him to not wake up at 3 am this kid would be the perfect baby... All in due time I guess... His smile more then makes up for it...
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