So unless you are living under a rock, you know that the entire Northeast has been hit by this huge snow storm. It didn't make it up to us until last night, and hasn't stopped. There is nothing like waking up to everything covered in snow, especially when you don't have to go anywhere in it. I was determined to bring the kids out in the snow this morning, at the very least for a photo opt and hoping they would enjoy it. I don't know if you remember last year, but Audrey HATED the snow (I mean hate is an understatement) and refused to go anywhere near it. I was hoping that a year later she would come around and decide it was fun, like every other kid in the world. Well, no such luck. We forced her to put on her snow pants, coat, hat, mittens and boots and Charlie carried her outside. Anyways, the pictures speak for themselves... Afterwards we came in and Audrey had her 1st hot chocolate and Chase ate his 1st
marshmallow (no, I didn't give it to him) so all ended well...

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