Well, we survived Christmas 2009. We had very uneventful travel to and from Chicago which is amazing considering the weather we had while we were there and the recent incident on the NWA flight in DTW on Christmas (so scary). We were actually 1/2 hour early going there (I know, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't been on the plane). The kids were great on both flights, which made life a whole lot easier as well.
We had a wonderful Christmas and were blessed to be able to spend it with our family
. The kids were ridiculously spoiled and got tons of wonderful things. Audrey had a blast opening all of her gifts and most of Chase's. She really got into each ind

ividual gift and wanted to open each thing and play with it right away. Chase enjoyed himself too, so much that he had to take a nap 20 minutes into the gift opening. The ever popular play dough was opened at a good point in the morning, as she needed a break and played with it for a good 1/2 hour while us adults opened our stuff...
It was so great to spend time with Charlie's family and a big thank you to them for being wonderful hosts! I was lucky enough to be able to see my family as w

ell. It was a quick trip for them and they trekked out to Chicago in a snowstorm both ways but I'
m so glad they did. We don't get to see our family enough, so it is always very special when we do(especially this time, my sister is in Switerland all year and she hasn't seen the kids since Chase was 3 weeks old!). Audrey loved playing with everyone and teaching them all Audrey-ese and about her love of choc and candy. Chase enjoyed showing off his adorable smile and his mad crawling and pulling-himself-up-on-everything-and-anything skills...
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! We sure did...
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