Really, I have stopped using months for her age (I swear I tell people "she will be 2 in June", but it is an easy time to update on her "month" birthday... Being home with her so much recently has been interesting. She is quickly turning into a human being that you can interact with, granted lots of the interacting is her saying "no" she doesn't want to do what you are saying. At least she responds to me though. She is also quickly becoming independent and wanting to do things herself. I can't do anything in the kitchen anymore without her running to the dining room and grabbing the chair so I will bring it in the kitchen and she can help. This is fine when making pancakes and bagels, but not so fine when I have meat and knives out. Her speech is improving daily. She uses "I" this or that all the time "I do", "I did it" and my least favorite "I can't" (no idea where she got that one). She is really into letters right now. She knows A, C, K, M, O and R. She loves going thru books and pointing out letters and seems to get a new one every couple of days. Its hard to explain that an "X" that look like a "K" is not a "K", but I guess that is part of the learning process right? Her favorite shows right now are Dora (do-do) and Go Diego, Go (go-go), though at this point she will watch anything on Nogen unfortunately. Her favorite book is Go Dog Go (also go-go), thanks to her friend Payton for sending it for Christmas (though it is a really long book, and I am glad that Audrey skips to her favorite pages right now). She loves to dance, spin around and jump when she hears any kind of music. And she runs everywhere. There is no walking, only running, which leads to lots of falling (that and she got my klutzy-ness). There is no mistaking when she gets up from her nap, you can hear her feet anywhere in the house. I am looking forward to her 2nd birthday in a couple of months, and am happy that we will have family around this year to celebrate. If anyone has any must have gifts for 2 year olds I am all ears.
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