We grilled out every night during vacation, which was awesome and low key. (Actually each couple got a date night out where the other 2 couple watched their child, but the couples that babysat grilled:) The last night we decided to do Surf and Turf, lobsters and steak, to close out the week right. We had lobster pro's on hand (Robb & Nicole) and lobster virgins (Rich & Krissy, though Krissy wouldn't get anywhere near them) which was a fun combo. Robb gladly gave directions on how to properly eat a lobster, while some listened and some just dug right in...
The guys went out to buy the lobsters and when they came back we had to take some pictures.
Here are the guys proudly holding their meal...
Audrey was really funny with the lobsters, she was completely not scared of them...

Charlie put one right in front of her and she was totally not phased...

Lobsters and steak, on the deck, with friends, what more can you ask for? A perfect end to a perfect vacation...
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