Anyone that knows Charlie knows that he ALWAYS has a pr
oject going on. It was easy when we were renovating the house as there was plenty to do. Well, the house is finished and he has moved outside. He doesn't have as much time for his projects with Audrey running around, but he manages to get them in regardless.

His latest was the driveway. He came home one day and told me he had a guy coming to rip up the old driveway (it was asphalt and had seen better days ).
Ok. So one of Charlie's work
buddy's showed up with a heavy piece of
machinery and tore up the driveway. After a lot of prep work, the driveway was ready to be placed. Being a concrete guy, Charlie worked his
magic and had some guys at work come and pla

ce a concrete driveway for us. They used "stamps" to give it the look of cobblestone and I have to say it turned out really nice. Charlie was not satisfied with just the driveway, and ended up taking some leftover brick
pavers from our walkway and lining the driveway with them. And here is the finished product! It looks awesome and we are the envy of the neighborhood, until someone else does some cool project...
1 comment:
Your house is so cute! I want to live in Boston!
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