Wednesday, July 30, 2008
What Audrey's Doing Now...
So right now, she is:
Walking - Now that she is walking, a whole new world has opened up to her. She can all of the sudden reach door handles, things on the counter and much much more. She unfortunately has inherited my klutzy-ness and falls down quite a bit, but she bounces right back up and keeps going. It's amazing the confidence she has now and how thrilled she is with herself.
Milk & Sippy Cup's - We are completely phased into the world of milk and sippy cups (and have been for awhile now). She LOVES her milk and is drinking a TON of it. We are going thru a gallon a week and she is at Nancy's during the day so I think that is a lot? She loves her sippy cup, though I have yet to find the perfect one that doesn't look like a bottle or spill all over the floor, my car, me, etc. Recommendations for your favorites would be quite helpful!
Stacking/Lids/Containers/etc. - She loves putting things into each other (like stacking cups, anything into a box or bag or Tupperware, etc.) then taking them out. She will sit there for a long time concentrating just with a lid to her sippy cup and the cup itself, putting the lid on and then off, on and then off, it's crazy. She has also figured out how to take lids off, which is great for her motor skills or whatever, but you now give her a tube of toothpaste with the lid on (which used to be great fun) and turn around and the lid is off and she is sucking all the toothpaste out. Time to get some new play things, eh?
Words - She is saying hi and waving which is pretty cute (except at the grocery store when she does it to every stranger there and then I have to say hi too). She still "talks" a ton, but there aren't a ton of words coming out. We are at da-da, ma-ma (VERY rarely the little bugger), hi, and then yeah and yum sometimes.
Mealtime - She is veering away from being the stellar eater that she was. She still eats pretty well, but definitely way less then she used to. She loves forks & spoons and seems to get the concept of them, though has not mastered the actual piercing or scooping that you do with them.
Temper - With all the cuteness, this little ones seems to be starting the temper tantrums a bit early. Which my mother loves because she says it is payback for all of the ones I did with her:) She will literally lay on the floor screaming and crying and the other night she started kicking her feet as I thought only a 2 year old was capable of... Ugh...
Thursday, July 24, 2008

The guys went out to buy the lobsters and when they came back we had to take some pictures.
Here are the guys proudly holding their meal...

Audrey was really funny with the lobsters, she was completely not scared of them...

Charlie put one right in front of her and she was totally not phased...

Sand Castle...

Charlie was particularly proud, is anyone surprised???

Monday, July 21, 2008
The Girls...

The girls played great together and it was fun to see all of their very different personalities. Payton made sure to teach the "babies" all kinds of cool things, like eating fr
uit snacks and "hot cheese" (mac'n'cheese to all you people uneducated in Payton speak) , reading "Go Ditka Go", how to ride in a wagon and how to stay up real late. Payton and Audrey loved to rock in the rocking chair together and sing "Row Row Row your Boat"...
Audrey and Maddie really enjoyed playing on the beach together. They loved playing in this little pop-up tent that Nicole & Robb brought and laughed forever going in and out of it. They also enjoyed the poles of the umbrella's which was hilarious. They would both grab it and swing and laugh and dance. We are hoping this is not an indication of future careers for the 2 of them. I'm sure it will be fine...
Maddie and Payton LOVE books, and there are a few that they especially love that were read to them over and over again. Nicole wins for having the best "reading" voice, but that is a little unfair seeing as her mother is Librarian, kind of cheating right?
Here is Krissy reading "Go Dog (Ditka) Go", while Audrey miraculously sat still for 1/2 of it.... I was hoping the love of books would rub off on her, but not so much. Really, there is too much to do to sit still for that long right?

The house turned out to be awesome. I was really nervous as it was picked from some p

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Back to Reality...

The Dennison's on the Vineyard, in front of Charlie's boat... Someday...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
She actually seems to perform under pressure... We leave for vacation in a couple of hours and will be with 2 other little girls that are walking... I think she knew she couldn't show up for vacation and be "that girl that is still crawling"...
Vacation, yeah! We are headed to the Cape with 2 other good couple friends and their girls for the week. I am so excited I can't even tell you. It is supposed to be beautiful weather so keep your fingers crossed! I know it is upsetting but I won't be able to do any posts til I get back. I'm sure you will all find something else to read for the week...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Loves the Beach...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Hated the Pool...

Monday, July 7, 2008
Now I just need to figure out which pictures to order... Hopefully it doesn't take as long as it did for me to decide on our wedding album (I think that was 2 years for those that don't know)...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Independence Day...


Wednesday, July 2, 2008