Monday, March 23, 2009

Grammy & Pappa's Visit...

Charlie's parents came out this past weekend for a long weekend visit. We had a wonderful weekend and I think they got a good dose of Audrey which is what they were looking for. Audrey has officially named Charlie's dad "Pappa" which is kind of neat. Its so funny where they come up with these things. She actually was calling his mom the same thing so we may end up with 2 "Pappa's", ha... Audrey enjoyed the extra people to play with, and had no problems letting everyone know what she wanted and didn't want. A good portion of the weekend was spent playing with Play Dough and working on Audrey's letters. She is really into letters all of the sudden (especially "O") and seems to be getting what several of them are. Super Why has been helping with this, gotta love learning from t.v. right? Charlie's mom got her the foam alphabet letters for the bath tub so maybe we will learn our ABC's this summer? I'll add it to the list...

We were pretty low key but did manage to get out of the house a couple of times. We went to the aquarium on Saturday morning, which Audrey really enjoyed for the brief hour or so that it held her attention and patience. This was the first time we went and she got what we were seeing, she yelled "fishies" as soon as we walked in. Actually she called everything in there "fishies" but that is a technicality, I'm sure the penguins didn't mind. After the aquarium we went over to a play ground nearby, that is actually in the same park we got a lot of our wedding pictures taken (Christopher Columbus Park). She had a blast running around the play ground and playing in the sand box and going down the slides. Sunday afternoon we also went to the play ground near out house for a little bit and she loved that too (I know where I am spending my summer that is for sure). While the sun was out most of the weekend, it was not overly warm unfortunately. It was in the 40's most of the time, which didn't seem to bother Audrey but definitely got to us adults. Spring is here right?

All in all we had a wonderful weekend! We appreciate Grammy & Pappa flying out here to see us, we know it isn't easy. It is always wonderful to see family as we don't see any of them enough...

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