Sunday, March 1, 2009

At the Playground...

We have had a very low key weekend, yesterday because we were recovering from a Couple's Shower that we co-hosted on Friday night and today because it is snowing and we all know Audrey won't leave the house when that is happening. Yes, snowing, apparently we may be getting 10 - 15" in the next 24 hours or so, oh joy...

We did manage to make it to the park yesterday. It was a little on the cold side, but Audrey didn't seem to mind and really enjoyed herself. She doesn't stop running from 1 thing to the next which is pretty funny. She loves the slides (the little kid ones and the big kid ones) but also went on the see-saw and swing this time.

The camera managed to have batteries (or I managed to charge it, same thing), so I thought I would share some of the shots I took:

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