So I just re-read my 18 month post for Chase and laughed because not a ton has changed. Which is just fine. He is still a sweet momma's boy with a nice dose of temper thrown in when he doesn't get what he wants. He is enjoying the snow we have gotten, which makes me happy because Audrey hated the snow at this age as I am sure most of you remember. Chase actually doesn't like the actual snow, but he likes that snow means he gets to shovel. With any shovel he can find. Or broom, or anything else with a long handle... Kind of funny, expect when you want to bring him inside and he has different thoughts... His talking has improved in the past couple of months but he is still far from actually "talking". The number of words he uses seems to increase on a daily basis which is good, but we still tons of grunts and noises that are supposed to mean something which is frustrating for us and him. He is still just as cute as ever (I am not biased at all:), take a look for yourself...

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