Well, we went to bed last night with no snow falling and woke up this morning with 8 - 10" on the ground. It has continued to snow all day and while we didn't get the "blizzard" they had predicted we sure are getting a ton of snow! The whole family had a snow day as there was no way we were driving into work in this. While Charlie was doing all the dirty work of snow blowing us out (and the rest of the neighborhood), the kids got geared up to go play. We missed the last big storm so Audrey was really excited to get out in it! I'm thrilled she likes the snow finally, I don't have to watch the rest of the neighborhood sledding while we sit inside and watch out the window. Chase is not overly impressed with the snow. He wants to be out in it and watch Charlie shovel and snow blow, but he wants to do this while being held which is overly difficult to do for a long period of time (his weight and slippery snow pants!).... Audrey loved sledding next door too, hopefully we can go back out after her nap. I didn't bring the camera over there which was too bad, watching the girls sled was priceless...
1 comment:
Audrey and Chase, you are snow angels! I love you,
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