Happy Belated Halloween to everyone! Hope you all had as much fun as we did... We had a full day of pumpkin carving, pre-trick-or-treating party at our neighbors and of course some trick or treating... Trick or treating was different than normal this year. First of all Charlie's mom was in town, which was great to begin with, but was doubly great in that she manned the door while Charlie and I both went out trick or treating with the kids. I usually stay home and give out candy and I have always felt like I was missing out so I was excited to go this year. I will say it was much different then I was expecting. Honestly it was exhausting! I never realized how many steps people in our neighborhood have (I'm talking 10 steps on most houses)! This is tiring enough, but I ended up carrying Chase up and/or down the steps trying to keep up with the group (we still were way behind but that is another story). Second of all, Audrey has always had a fear of dogs which lately has become really bad. The first house we went to had a dog that was at the door and Audrey screamed like she had seen a ghost or something. After that we saw multiple dogs and she was not happy and wanted to go home. We finally calmed her down, skipped the houses we knew had dogs and walked her up to each door because she was freaked out. Definitely not the experience she had last year running with her friend Izzie from house to house. Which is ok. She had fun and got PLENTY of candy... But Chase ended up being the trick or treating champ this year. He LOVED it and got mad when we went home! He was running down the street in between houses and went up to the doors and put his bag out for candy. If they let you take it, he took multiple pieces... It was pretty funny...
My attempt at getting a family picture. Everyone is at least looking at the camera for once...
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