{note, this was written last week but I never posted it!} So Chase turned 18 months this week. And he is one busy little boy... He is a momma's boy and a crazy man all in one... He continues to be a boys boys, and loves trucks, balls and to throw things (which kind of drives me nuts). He loves his big sister and loves to do whatever she does, right or wrong. He loves to eat, not veggies but just about anything else that you put on his plate. He is still not talking with words... He has a couple basics, momma (of course), hi, bye, ball, da-da... But he communicates just fine and gets his point across with no issue and certainly understands everything we say. He just started to really like books which is fun since Audrey has never been a huge book girl, especially at his age. Our big issue right now is he is hitting which I am less than thrilled with. It is not malicious most of the time, he thinks it is playing and funny. I keep blaming it on a kid at daycare but he is a boy and I guess this is the phase? Hopefully... We had his 18 month well visit and I am happy to report that he is finally on the chart for weight after all this time! Stats are: 31 lbs 2 oz (95th percentile) and 34" (90th percentile).

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