So this blog has turned into a monthly update about Chase. I not only don't have time to post like I would like, but never take pictures to even post... Oh well. So Chase is 5 months today... It seems like he has done a ton in the last month. He started solid foods this month, though I haven't gotten past the rice cereal. I bought the other stuff, just haven't gotten around to giving it to him... Probably the biggest thing is that he has really started moving. He finally figured out how to roll from his tummy to his back which has made him happy as being on his tummy frustrates him (though he is getting better with that too). I put him on the floor now and leave to go in the other room and come back and he is no where close to where I put him. I wasn't really ready for this quite yet I have to tell you. He also seems to be close to sitting by himself, which we found out by accident, letting go of him one day on the playmat. He can sit unsupported for a good bit before he topples over. Which is good, because he barely fits in the Bumbo anymore... The best part is we are pretty sure he is teething. We have had some rough nights, lots of drooling, lots of chewing and he just go a cold which Audrey seemed to do everything she teethed. The constant quest to figure out what is wrong with your child, too much fun... The poor thing also got a rash a week or so ago on his face (as you can see in the pix) and the doctor today she thinks it is eczema which I'm not thrilled with but what are you going to do. I'm hoping it is mild but time will tell... He is still the sweetest baby and his smile melts my heart. Audrey amazes me at how good she is with him. She won't let him cry for more then a couple seconds before she comes running to get someone. We got out the johny jump thing that you hang from the door way and she loves to bounce and push him in that, and he LOVES it... And he loves her, you should see his face when she comes near him, it just lights up. I can't wait for them to be able to play together, for better and for worse...
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