My blue eyed boy turned 8 months old this past week. To put what he is doing right now simply, he is ALL over the place and puts ANYTHING in his mouth that happens to have found its way to the floor. Seriously the kid is garbage disposal it is unbelievable. We are lucky because he doesn't swallow most stuff (though we did have a leaf incident a couple of weeks ago), but I am constantly doing the finger swipe in his mouth and it is amazing the stuff I find in there. You are probably saying "why do you have all of this stuff on your floor if you son is crawling?". Good point, and my answer is I have 3 kids and I can't keep up. So he will survive and I think he is having fun keeping us on our toes. He very quickly went from crawling to pulling himself up on anything and everything he can find. He is not furniture walking, though the set up in our house is not conducive for this so we will see what he does next.
He continues to be an awesome eater and we have ventured into a good amount of finger foods which I am happy about. I am being a little bit cautious as the kid still has no teeth (a little strange as the other kids definitely got them around 7 months) but it really doesn't seem to bother him. He loves food and his face lights up when he realized you are feeding him. He is kind of over his bottle which is interesting to me and another thing I don't remember from the other 2. He has had a ton of different veggies, green beans, broccoli, carrots, etc. and while he may make a face he never spits anything out.
Have I said how much I love this kid????
4 years ago