Chase is everywhere and proving daily that he is a boy boy. He loves trucks (hint hint birthday theme) and anything with wheels on it, much to Charlie's delight. He also loves the sandbox and will sits there for a good amount of time before he wanders away. His new obsession is anything with a long handle, the broom and most recently rakes & shovels outside. It is probably not the safest thing to have him playing with but he gets mad if you don't let him so oh well... Audrey and him are finally playing together which is SO exciting. We were sitting at dinner the other night talking and I looked and Charlie and said "are they playing" a
nd he said "yeah", like we couldn't hear a peep out of them, they were on the floor entertaining themselves... I've been waiting a long time for that I have to say... He isn't walking but he did take his first steps a week or so ago. As Audrey say he "waddles like a penguin" when he takes steps, it is hilarious. He is getting braver and has stood up on his own in the middle of the floor a couple of times so I think he is close. But who knows, I've thought that for 2 months, ha... He was finally baptised this past month (yes, I am way behind on posts) which was great. He has now been wiped of all his sins and can start anew. And they are coming I can tell. I have called him a bugger more times then I can count lately. He is so sweet and mild tempered, but he is very mischievous and loves to get into things he shouldn't. Then he just looks back with a smile, like I know I'm so not supposed to be doing this but maybe she will let me... I'm in trouble... At least he likes to cuddle, that makes up for it for now... So here we go, the home stretch of his first year...

Girl, you have got to have some massive guns from picking that cute little chunk up constantly! He is so adorable. I can't wait to cuddle with him! I'm gonna have to start beefing Liza up so she can hang with him.
Chase, I just love you. I know it's hard to be humble and handsome at the same time. But, you will figure it out somehow. You are so precious.
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