I thoroughly enjoy most of the baby stages and have not tired of them thru the three kids. But there is one stage I really dislike, that has also stayed consistent thru out the three kids (see Chase's first food post
here). The start of solid foods, yuck... There are many reasons I don't like it, but I find it more of an annoyance than enjoyable and the thought that it provides really no nutritional value doesn't help. It is hard fitting in another feeding in our busy schedules, it is hard doing one food at a time to make sure that they aren't allergic to anything... I really wish they could just jump to eating real food, bring on the cheerios and puffs! But they have to start somewhere and Grayson has been eyeing our food every night at dinner so Charlie finally said enough is enough and fed the kid the other night. Can't say he loved it, but as Aunt Diane commented, I can't imagine it tastes that great!

I also found another disturbing fact about rice cereal which makes me dislike it more. I'm not a huge label reader, but have been trying to be better at it, especially for the kids food. So I look at the side of his Gerber Rice Cereal that I of course fed both other kids, and how many ingredients do you think were on there? At least 15 and I of course couldn't pronounce any of them! Really, in baby food, that has plastered all over it "good for you"??? I promptly went and got his some oatmeal from a crunchy organic brand, much better...
I bet that is why my other 2 are terrible eaters, right????