Hard to believe, but Grayson turned 2 months on Sunday... I have to tell you I can't get over how sweet this kid is! He started smiling a couple of weeks ago and "talking" and it melts my heart. He is doing awesome still. He has slept thru the night til 5 or 5:30 the past week so hopefully that continues (I'm sure when I go back to work he will be waking up at 2 am again right?). He is a pretty content baby, but definitely enjoys being held by his mother. I told Audrey yesterday I need a kangaroo pouch to put him so I could carry him around all the time, she said she would make me one. Nice... I am feeling pretty confident that he is going to keep the blue eyes, but we will see. I have finally been able to get some pictures of them, aren't they pretty? Audrey and Chase have gorgeous eyes, but something about blue eyed babies I just love...

The weather has been awesome so we have been outside a ton. He doesn't seem to love being outdoors unless he is in the baby bjorn snuggled next to me, which is fine, though I could use a massage most days... I am starting to feel like I have adjusted to life with 3 fairly well at this point, at least for this stage of the game. I can't even imagine how it will be when Grayson starts moving, but I will think about that when it gets here and not now... Today was his 2 month appointment. He has caught up with Chase which just amazes me (see his 2 month post
here). Grayson weighed 14 lbs 1 oz and measured 25 1/2 inches, 90th & 95th percentile.
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