I'm a little late with this, but Chase turned 6 months this week... We sang to him and everything on his 1/2 year birthday. Audrey loved it and wanted to know where the cake was and the presents...
I have to say that this month Chase has really started to blossom. He went from the infant sitting in the bouncer in the corner to needing to be in the middle of the action at all times. He is quickly turning into a boy boy, and loves to knock things over and hit the ground with his fists, laughing the entire time. He loves to just sit on the floor and play with toys, paper, really anything he can get his hands on. He is constantly reaching for something when you are holding him, especially if you have food, which makes it quite a challenge. He can move himself around very well now too. He goes from sitting to laying on his back to spinning around on his stomach very easily now. He is super strong on his stomach and I am waiting for him to decide to start crawling (which I am SO not ready for btw). He is eating solid foods, tho

ugh we haven't been very good about it. He is only eating 1 meal a day, and really it gets skipped sometimes when we are hectic after work. He has done the rice cereal and is now on oatmeal and has done all of his veggies. We tried puffs the other day and he likes them but doesn't get how to get them into his mouth quit yet. I have to say the kid loves to eat the solid food. He gets really excited when the spoon comes out. He really wants to eat what we are eating and I can't wait for that either. This baby food stage is really not that much fun...
We had a bit of a rough month with him as far as health wise goes. He was sick for a good portion of the month with a really bad cough that kept the poor kid up all night (poor him and poor Charlie and I). After multiple trips to the doctor (I joked that we were paying for their lights but it isn't far off recently), they think he had brocialitis (baby bronchitis) but really they have no idea what it was. They ruled out RSV and pneumonia, put him on a nebulizer treatment and gave him antibiotics just for good measure. He is finally better, but I will say I am c

oncerned now that he is going to be vulnerable to this every time he gets a cold. Hopefully not, but I'm sure we will see sooner then later. He also officially has eczema which really stinks. He gets lubed up with lotion 2x a day to try and help his skin retain moisture. My doctor believes he is breaking out because of the change in weather so I am hoping she is right (and that it isn't food allergies or something like that).
He had his 6 month appointment yesterday (we actually went to the doctor for a scheduled visit!). He is 23 lbs 5 oz (still off the charts) and I don't know how long he was but he was in the 93rd percentile (I wasn't paying attention for some reason when she took the reading).