This week was the first day of spring, and mother nature got confused and thought it was the first day of summer! We had a gorgeous week (as did most of the country I think), with highs in the 80's most days. Not quite March weather, but I will take it! I have been so lucky being home with this mild weather. Grayson is wearing clothes of Chase's that I never thought he would be able to wear which is pretty awesome...
We took advantage of the gorgeous weather and spent as much time outside as possible. It was awesome playing outside with the neighbors in the afternoon everyday, it really was like it was summer time again... Our big "field trip" days are Tuesday and Thursdays because that is when Audrey is home from school. Tuesday, we headed to Castle Island, which as you probably know is one of my favorite places to take the kids and take pictures. The kids had a blast (Grayson slept in the baby bjorn the entire time if you were wondering). We watched the air planes take off, ships sail by, had a picnic, played at the playground and played in the water at the beachy area.

Thursday we went to the beach. How crazy is that? And it was the perfect beach day, not a cloud in the sky... I wasn't sure it would be open seeing as it is March, but we drove right out and the beach was packed by the time we left. Audrey and Chase had a lot of fun, they are so easily entertained there it is awesome. Grayson was another story, he was a little unsettled, but I wasn't as prepared as I should of been with him. He slept most of the time and got a little more color than I would have liked but what are you going to do... Hoping we can go again before I go back to work!