Sunday, June 12, 2011

Birthday Week...

So we just finished with Audrey's "birthday week" and I have to tell you I am exhausted! It was a lot of fun but all good things must come to an end and I am not overly upset about it... She had a fabulous week, got a ton of awesome gifts (thank you everyone!) and consumed more sugar than I care to admit. Her party was yesterday and other than it raining, I think it was a success... I'm working on the pictures from it, I will post soon. You can probably see there was a rainbow theme going on this year:)

She got a big girl bike from mom and dad (and cute dress from Grammy & Pappa:)... Can someone tell me why they can't make a bike that is just plain pink or purple or whatever? Why does there need to be all the crap all over all of the little girl bikes???

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