So, my mother reminded me this week that I have never died eggs with my kids, which made me feel kind of bad. Like what kind of mom doesn't die Easter Eggs with their kids every year? This one apparently. I'm not sure why I haven't, I think I thought Audrey was too young, then Chase was too young, and just didn't do it. So I of course had to go out this week and get white eggs and die so we could do it this year. It has been raining all day here so this morning was a perfect time to tackle this project. It went pretty much as I had expected, Chase was interested for about 1 minute, died 2 eggs and broke about 4. Audrey got really into it and did all 12 eggs by herself. The glitter was the best part, staying true to her pre-school teacher Miss Robin always saying you need to add a little glitter to any project.
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