Happy Easter to all! Hope you had a fabulous day! We have had a wonderful day overall, the Easter Bunny was very good to the kids and the weather is gorgeous (70's, love it!). Miss Audrey woke up this morning not feeling well, but rallied well with the egg hunt and finding of the Easter baskets, oh and the eating of all of the chocolate. We made it to church, though didn't stay the entire time (hey, we tried). We managed to get a couple pictures of the kids while they were dressed up, most of them goofy but cute just the same...
P.S. Mom, this is why I am getting professional pictures taken next weekend :)
We have wonderful neighbors and one couple in particular has a ton of parties at their house, pretty much one for every season. They do an egg hunt every year (click here to see pix from past egg hunts) and it is quite the event. There are over 100 people there and they hide 1400 plastic eggs for the kids to go find in the yard (this is Charlie's number, he counted them this year). It is a little overwhelming with so many kids but a lot of fun. Mother Nature did not cooperate this year which was a bummer. It was pretty much pouring rain during the hunt, but it didn't deter the kids at all! Audrey was super serious this year and kept going around picking up eggs (there is a 13 egg max per kid that she didn't care to adhere to). Chase on the other hand was not interested at all. He stood and looked at the eggs (notice the egg at his feet in the pictures) and Charlie but them in his basket. Maybe next year... Audrey is counting down til when the Easter Bunny comes, she is super excited this year (mainly because she knows the eggs are filled with candy) so tomorrow should be fun... It is supposed to be 65, fingers crossed!
So, my mother reminded me this week that I have never died eggs with my kids, which made me feel kind of bad. Like what kind of mom doesn't die Easter Eggs with their kids every year? This one apparently. I'm not sure why I haven't, I think I thought Audrey was too young, then Chase was too young, and just didn't do it. So I of course had to go out this week and get white eggs and die so we could do it this year. It has been raining all day here so this morning was a perfect time to tackle this project. It went pretty much as I had expected, Chase was interested for about 1 minute, died 2 eggs and broke about 4. Audrey got really into it and did all 12 eggs by herself. The glitter was the best part, staying true to her pre-school teacher Miss Robin always saying you need to add a little glitter to any project.
After very crappy weather this week (it snowed on Friday, I mean really, hasn't Mother Nature been cruel enough to us this winter??) we were thrilled to have a gorgeous weekend. Its sunny and 50's, I'll take it right now! The kids wanted to go to the playground so we headed over there late morning. I haven't been in awhile, Charlie has been taking the kids by himself, and I was shocked to see some of the stuff Audrey is doing all of the sudden. Since last fall she is going down the fire mans pole alone, climbing up the rock wall with no help and just looking like a big kid in general. Crazy... Our goals to be able to do by the end of the summer are a) pump on the swing (she has not gotten this one yet for some reason) and b) do the monkey bars alone. We will see... Come on spring, come and stay! We want to play outside all day!