Today was Audrey's 1st Day of Pre-School and she couldn't have been more excited! We have talked a lot about school and she loves the concept, especially the idea of packing her backpack and riding the school bus. I had to burst her bubble that mommy was taking her and not the school bus, but we did get to go outside and watch the middle school bus come which was cool. Though I thought she was going to run over and jump on without me!
She did awesome at school, which I was a little nervous about, she is kind of a wild card depending on her mood. I dropped her off and she ran from one thing to another playing with all the toys. I said good-bye and she said she would see me when I picked her up and kept playing. Alrighty then. I picked her up (which was quite an experience, the parents line up in the hallway and they bring out the kids 1 by 1, kind of weird) and she ran to me and said how much fun she had had and started rambling about everything they did.
So I think it was a success! Our schedule is a little crazy, I'm driving Chase to Nancy's, then Audrey to school, then picking her up and bringing her to Nancy's to finish out her day. I'm sure once we get into the swing it will be fine.
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