Sunday, June 20, 2010


This why we became parents...

Daddy's Request, Beach Day...

Well Charlie was adamant about going to the beach this weekend, which really, you don't have to twist my arm! We had a perfect beach day yesterday, hot but with a cool breeze, love it. We headed down early with our friends Beth & Jim and Chase's girlfriend Katelyn and had a great time just sitting in the sun and relaxing (and the boys enjoyed some Father's Day refreshments).

Audrey got a kite for her birthday that she has been dying to use and it finally had its maiden flight yesterday. The breeze on the beach was perfect for kite flying. As to be expected, the thrill didn't last long for Audrey, but Chase was really into it...

Daddy's Day...

We have had a great Father's Day so far (or at least I think we have, maybe Charlie thinks differently:). We went to a yummy breakfast this morning where the kids behaved the entire time, at a nice restaurant no less. We came back to hot and humid weather and spent some time outside and went on a walk. The rest of the day will be laid back and lazy with a bbq weather permitting...

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband... I love watching you with our kids and think you are an absolutely fabulous father. Also to my father (Grampa Greg) and father-in-law (Pappa), we love you both!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Audrey's Garden Party - Details...

I had a ton of fun planning Audrey's party this year. The main reason is that Audrey is SO into parties right now for whatever reason so I wanted to make it really special for her. The other reason is that I started an etsy shop in February with a friend of mine and have been making cupcake toppers and other paper party goods for clients, so I am thinking about parties all the time!

I was hopeful that Audrey would pick a theme this year but she really didn't care, so I took it upon myself to pick one. I decided to go with a Garden Party theme, girly and fun and perfect for a summer birthday! We invited all girls and asked them all to wear their party dresses, which was adorable... I set up a long table outside for them all to sit at which worked really well (thanks to my neighbors for letting me borrow kiddy chairs so everyone could sit!). All the girls went home with a flower wand and a little goodie bag with fun stuff like a butterfly tatoo and a couple fairy silly bands (which are huge here, not sure about everywhere else in the country...). And whats a birthday party without lots of sugar? We had yummy cupcakes, marshmallow pops & ring pops, yumm... I think everyone had a great time, I know Audrey did! Now I need to explain to her that she has to wait an entire year til her next birthday, wish me luck with that...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Audrey's Garden Party...

Audrey has been waiting a LONG time for her birthday party this year, and we finally had it today... It was so much fun! I decided to do a girls only garden party this year and it was so cute. All the girls wore their party dresses and looked adorable. I will do a seperate post with all the fun things I made for the party, but I think it all came out really great. Audrey is obsessed with party hats and balloons so we of course had those... And cupcakes, have to have cupcakes at the Dennison's... Audrey had a blast, hopefully all the other little girls did too!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Three Years Old...

My baby girls turned 3 years old today. I sound like a broken record but where on earth does the time go?? She is growing up way too fast, which is scary but also exciting. She is creative and has a mind of her own, both traits I admire. Much to her delite we have spent the past 3 days celebrating her big day, and there is more to come as her party is not til this Saturday. More to come on all that...
Happy 3rd Birthday Audrey Elizabeth!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Its in the Pants...

Charlie's mom says this all the time, which always makes me laugh, but it really couldn't be more true about the Dennison obsession with car washing. It is definately "in the pants" and my kids are following suit. They LOVE to go out and wash cars with Charlie, it is actually really cute. Audrey is really intense about it as you can see. Chase just gets in everyones way (which really bothers Audrey of course) and loves to grab the hose, the bucket or anything else anyone is using. So I get a clean car out of the deal, no complaints here... Bring your car on over, you may be able to sneak in a wash too...

Memorial Day 2010

A picture is worth a thousand words... Its beach time baby! We had a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend, and were blessed to have almost perfect weather all three days. We made it to the beach on Sunday for the first time this season and it was just awesome. Audrey is so excited for the beach this year which is awesome. She played non-stop for the entire 4 hours were were there and the ice cold water didn't bother her a bit. Chase is also proving to be a beach baby which is good because he doesn't have a choice. The sand and rocks don't bother him at all.

Heres to summer and lots and lots of trips to the beach...