We had quite the party for Chase's 1st birthday! We all know the 1st birthday is not for the baby, its for the parents right? We were thrilled that most of our friends and neighbors were able to come and help us celebrate our baby turning one. This was the first party that I have had a ton of kids at (there were at least 20, granted several were still in bucket seats), so that was a new entertaining challenge (ent

ertaining kids in a small house??). We did not have the best of weather, it rained on and off most of the party, but it didn't stop the kids (or adults for that matter) from being outside. Chase did well with his cake, though he only ate 1/2 of it. He was very methodical and wasn't bothered by the swarm of kids around him yelling and screaming. He is no stranger to sweets (2nd kid right?) so this wasn't his first taste of cake, but he loved it none the less as you can see...

As I said in previous posts, I'm a little obsessed with party planning right now. I spent a long time pondering over Chase's "theme" for his party. Charlie one day said I was silly for doing anything but trucks since Chase is totally a truck guy (he loves them, anything with wheels actually) so I went with it. It is tough finding cute boy stuff out there which is my constant struggle with him (clothes, party ideas, you name it, boy stuff is not fun). Everything turned out really cute if I do say so. I actually didn't get very many pix from the actual party since I was running around most of the time (where is that hired photographer when you need them??), but I did get some the next day...

Audrey's party is up next... The invites are out, it is going to be super cute, just wait!
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