So my sweet, mellow son that I love turned into a crazy man this month... I still love him dearly of course, but my god does he have us on our toes in what seems like overnight. Chase started crawling right after he turned 7 months and has not stopped since. He mastered crawling very quickly and can get around fast, too fast. He figured out how to pull himself up on anything and everything very shortly after learning how to crawl. This is proving to be dangerous as he is ridiculously curious and wants to get up and look at everything (fingers have been caught in drawers and doors too many times already!). Audrey (and Charlie and I) are learning, though not quick enough, to not leave anything in arms reach of him because he WILL grab it... I don't remember Audrey being so into everything, but maybe my memory has just blocked that out. Anyways, it is time to get rid of all of my plants and any other decor laying around, pretty exciting...
The kid is proving to be a human garbage disposal, he eats anything you put in front of him (plus anything he can find on the floor that he or his sister dropped). He loves feeding himself and I am trying hard to give him as much finger foods as possible and get off the Gerber Baby food all together, though unfortunatlely those little containers don't take any pre-thought which is oh so nice... He loves peaches and pears, he doesn't love his veggies but will definately eat them (peas especially), he loves pasta and the new one is meat (he is Charlie's son after all). He had 2 meatballs last night plus some bbq at lunch with his dad... Needless to say he eats more then Audrey...

He still is the sweetest thing. His new one is he bops anytime music comes on. Any kind of music, like from the t.v., me singing or from some wonderful toy we have that makes noise. It is pretty funny. I have been trying to get it on video but of course he doesn't do it on que... He is still not doing so hot at night which stinks. He had a stretch last week where he was sleeping 6:30 - 5 or 5:30 which was awesome. That stopped this weekend (of course)... He just loves his mom too much to not see her at 3 am, that must be what it is...