This word was screamed by Audrey over and over again yesterday on her birthday and I must say it made ME happy to hear it! I think every mom wants their kids to love their birthday and have the best day, and while she is only 2, I can honestly say she had an awesome day (whether she got that it was her birthday may be up for debate). I was kind of worried about the day because I didn't have a chance to plan a party for her and I wanted it to be special. As you may recall I spent months last year planning her 1st birthday and I felt guilty this year because I didn't do the same thing. Well of course it turned out just fine. We ended up staying home all day, but Audrey was perfectly content with that. We started opening gifts in the late morning because I assumed she would only open a couple and get distracted so we would just space them t
hru out the day. Boy was I wrong. She opened everything in one sitting, and honestly loved everything she got (ok maybe not the clothes I got her but that is to be expected). She opened a tent from Grandma Lutz 1st and proceeded to put every other gift in there which was pretty funny. Thank you so much to everyone that got her a gift! Then there was the cake. I had tried to organize some of the neighbors to come over and have cake and it didn't seem to be working so I decided I was just going to make a cake and we would just have with with the family. Well it turned out that several neighbors were able to come over at the last minute, which Audrey loved! While the cake didn't go over well with the kiddies (Audrey just wanted the frosting of course), the Mighty Mini's & juices boxes did. Note to self for next year. After cake Audrey got to show off her new stuff and did fairly well with the shari
ng even though she was hopped up on sugar and past nap time. We ended the day with the adults having a bbq and doing another round of cake. I figured she had already had tons of sugar, why not finish the thing off and get it over with right??? I told her we were having cake again and she started clapping "happy, happy!".... My favorite part of the day? Audrey looking at Charlie and I after she got her bike and saying "Thank you Mommy, Thank you Daddy"... If that doesn't melt you heart I don't know what does... My little sweetheart, I love you!
Her Digger from Papa, she LOVES it and all things trucks...
Playing in her tent from Grandma Lutz...
Riding her new bike...
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