My sweet little boy is 1 month old already! I can't believe I was in the hospital that long ago, it seems like yesterday, though the bad memories have all but faded (thank god right?). Chase is quite a contrast from his big sister. He is a mellow baby and cringes every time his loud sister talks (where oh where did she get a loud voice from??). I keep telling him he better get used to it... The differences in their
personalities is made up by their similarities in looks. I think that Chase looks exactly like Audrey as a newborn, though Audrey had a rounder face. And no, I don't think either of them look "just like Charlie" but I know many of you do... He is still sleeping a good amount during the day, but is also sleeping fairly well at night. He has gotten some long stretches in, but normally he is waking up at 2:30 am & 5:30 am which isn't great but could be worse right?
I can't say I am used to the having 2 kids yet. It has gotten easier, but the days I am home alone with the 2 of them is challenging. Audrey is SO high energy and still requires loads of attention. And I don't know where the rest of you got your 2
nd kids from, but Chase LOVES to be held and will only sit by himself for short periods of time with me. He has no problem sleeping in my arms, or anyone else though... I certainly have a new found admiration for you stay at home moms out there... The best part is we had his 1 month doctors appointment today and he is certainly keeping his weight up. He weighed in at 12 lbs 4 oz (almost off the chart) and 23 inches... These were Audrey's stats at 2 months, ha!