I've been totally MIA from the blog world this summer... It has been a busy one, with lots of fun times and beach days. We capped off the summer with a week long vacation to Hilton Head with our good friends the Meisbergers and had a blast! We decided to drive down there, since we figured we needed all of our beach gear and it would be fairly expensive to fly. I dreaded the drive, about 18 hours, with a 2 and a 4 year old and having the spend 2 days each way on the road. Surprisingly the drive wasn't too bad... We hit some traffic but the kids were troopers, though they both had their moments, Audrey needing to poop immediately while we were stuck in 4 lanes of NYC traffic and Chase eating a crayon and promptly throwing up all over himself and anything near by.
But we got there, and once we did it was amazing! Hilton Head is gorgeous and the house we stayed at was amazing. We were a very short walk to the beach which was perfect with the 4 kids under 5 years old... It was really my ideal vacation, we woke up every morning and went to the beach. The kids were actually on board with that plan which made life easier, I was waiting for them mid-week to hate the beach but they seemed to find something to do everyday...
Audrey and Kiersten were big into boogy boarding...

Charlie made a massive sand castle one day which the kids had a lot of fun helping build and playing in...

The "2 year olds"...

Audrey & Kiersten, aka "the big girls"...
Sibling Love...
Our attempt at a family photo. One of these days we will get one with all 4 looking 1/2 decent. I can't wait to have 5 people to try and take a picture of...