Pickin' out their pumpkins... Fun that they actually want to do it this year! The squirrels ate Charlie and I's pumpkins this year which was pretty cool... Have I ever said how much I hate squirrels???
We had a practice run of Halloween last Saturday so that Audrey could teach Chase how to properly trick or treat... It went well and the good news is both got in their costumes and wore them for awhile so I have high hopes for the day of (my kids are none for NOT liking costumes if you do recall)... Should be fun this year, I am really looking forward to it...
It is a rare moment when Audrey and Izzie actually ACT like BFF's (they talk about each other ALL the time, but when together the love is not always there)... And when they do, they couldn't be cuter, in matching fleeces and all...
I am so behind on pictures I can't believe it... We went to our favorite apple orchard, Honey Pot Farms several weekends ago with our friends the Careys... It was a gorgeous day and a ton of fun. We go there every year, but this is the first year we actual went and picked apples. Weird I know, but the kids have been too little and the farm animals, donuts and pumpkins are usually just about all we need. The picking was fun, though I ran after Chase the majority of the time... They had actual ladders to climb up on some of the trees which I thought was cool. Good photo opts at least... Needless to say we have been eating apples since then...