So I missed 13 & 14 months, where did the summer go??? Chase is rapidly turning into a full fledge toddler, which is both scary and exciting at the same time. He is my baby (as I remind him constantly) and it is sad to see him leaving the infant stage. But at the same time this is such a fun age and he is developing quite a personality. He is no longer my mellow baby. He is super curious, taking right after his father and sister, and is into everything… It amazes me what he gets, like that lids go on top of things and that a paint brush needs paint and just silly things that I feel like he is too young to understand. His words are far and few between, he says da-da, momma (though not to me), yes (I like this one!) and that is about it. While he is a man of little words, he communicates very well and loves to have his voice heard. It is frequent that he and Audrey run around after each other in circles each screaming as loud as they can. He will point at what he wants and take your hand and lead you to what he wants so he certainly gets his point across. And if you don’t oblige you are likely to get a mini temper tantrum, nice… Recently he has turned into Audrey’s shadow which has been difficult for both me and Audrey. He wants

to do everything she does, which totally makes sense. It frustrates her because he is in her face constantly and she doesn’t understand that he wants to play. Or he will take her toy full well knowing it will make her mad, that is what little brothers are for though right? I’m having a hard time telling Audrey not to do things that she is able & aloud to do, but that Chase isn’t . I.e. jumping from the couch to the ottoman. She doesn’t get why she is being told not to do things and usually ignores me. Then I have a 15 month old doing things that he so shouldn’t be doing and freaks out when I tell him no. Good times… All in all I am happy that they are finally playing together. I am well aware I will be breaking up fights for the rest of their lives, but I’m ok with that right now.

Chase is still a pretty good eater. I won’t say he is great, he definitely has issues with texture (hates rice and that kind of stuff) and eats limited veggies, but he is ok. He is obsessed with feeding himself with a fork and spoon which is cute but proves to be very messy at mealtimes. He loves meat, grapes, yogurt, applesauce and chocolate pudding (actually anything sweet, he also got his fathers sweet tooth). We did get some disturbing news a couple of weeks ago. We found out that he is allergic to peanuts, I fact I still haven’t fully taken in. He had an incident at daycare that lead to us getting him tested and sure enough he tested positive. He is not allergic to tree nuts which I guess is good, though I don’t plan on giving him anything with nuts anytime soon. We go back in a year to re-test, but it sounds like the odds of him growing out of it are very low.
UPDATE: Chase weighed in at 30 lbs 5 oz and measured 32" at his 15 month appointment, staying on his curve, above the line for weight and 90th percentile for height...